Verifika 3.0 was created to assist you with Grammar check and perform thorough Tag control on the go
Alex Gil
We created a more integrated experience to enable our users to do all the QA routines after translation in one application. In addition to spelling, Verifika is now equipped with grammar check.

You may check grammar in all the languages your Microsoft Word supports. Just make sure that the "check grammar" box is ticked for Microsoft Word grammar check to start functioning.
Verifika is becoming the ultimate QA tool. It beats every other piece of software on the market in terms of CAT-compatibility, user interface, customisation, stability, ease of use, technical support (including frequent and significant updates) and, last but not least, great customer support. Keep up the good work!
Maciej Krupiński
QA Team Leader, GET IT Language Solutions
Are you missing the functionality to search inside of tags?
It is common with large projects to have a source text that may be compiled from a CMS, a website, a database or some document management system. As a result, a document becomes full of tags, placeholders (aka "placeables"). Being an editor or a proofreader, you should be able to take care of these tags.
Verifika 3.0 delivers several new ways to save your effort on dealing with tags:
You may look up for a specific placeholder content via a search or user-defined checks. For example, search for an attribute or value within a tag content.

Verifika displays a tag as a single entity like in CAT tools, thus streamlining tag handling.

"Tag recognition in TXT and XML text files" allows you to check tag consistency and order, as well as skip tags during a consistency check.

Tags with broken nesting display in a different color like on the below picture.
It is common with large projects to have a source text that may be compiled from a CMS, a website, a database or some document management system. As a result, a document becomes full of tags, placeholders (aka "placeables"). Being an editor or a proofreader, you should be able to take care of these tags.
Sourse segment
English (UK)
Target segment
Suggested autofix
54 - 1,2
36 - 1,2
30 - 1,3
20 - 1,4
18 - 1,4
16 - 1,5
12 - 1,5
Alex Get out-of-the-box solution
Uma Thurman
Powerful search for terms or phrase in the bilingual files
Charlize Theron
Farewell to manual quality control
Geremy Hall