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Check in cloud-based CATs
Phrase TMS (Memsource)
If you work in Phrase TMS, you can connect to the platform from within Verifika and check your translation.
All you have to do is:
  1. Click the Connect to cloud button on the Files tab and select Phrase TMS (Memsource).
  2. In the window that opens, enter your Phrase TMS (Memsource) credentials and click the Sign In button.
  3. In the next window, enable the checkbox next to the file you need to check and click the Download button.
  4. Your file is loaded to Verifika. Now you can check it. Click the Check button.
  5. Resolve the errors making necessary changes. When finished, click the Save changes button to save your correction in the cloud.

NB! When you change the file status to “Completed by Linguist” in Phrase TMS (Memsource), you will no longer be able to open and check it in Verifika.

You can also watch the Integration with Phrase TMS (Memsource) video to see it step by step.
If you work in Transifex, you can connect to the platform from Verifika and check your translated files.
All you have to do is:
  1. Click the Connect to cloud button on the Files tab and select Transifex.
  2. In the window that opens, enter your Transifex credentials and click the Sign In button.
  3. In the next window, you will see the box for the project URL. Copy it from the address bar of your browser following the example:
  4. Enter the copied URL into the box and click Get project.
  5. Select the checkbox next to the file you need to check and click the Download button.
  6. Your file is loaded to Verifika. Now you can check it.
  7. Click the Check button and resolve the errors making any necessary changes. When finished, do not forget to click the Save changes button to save your correction in the cloud.