Verifika supports the following bilingual file format(s):
TRADOStag Documents (.ttx)
RWS/SDL Trados XLIFF (.sdlxliff)
memoQ (.xlf, .mqxliff, .mqxlz)
Idiom and LionBridge XLZ and XLIFF
Phrase/MemSource XLIFF
Other XLIFF and XLZ variants are also supported
TMX 1.4b (older formats are also supported, but we do recommend to use 1.4b)
WordFast TXML and TXLF (.txml, .txlf)
Bilingual MS Word files (Trados, WordFast, Logoport)
Word review documents for both SDL Studio and MemoQ
Excel (.xls, .xlsx) (the first column contains source segments, and the second column contains target segments
Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet (.xlsm)
Verifika supports Terminology lists in following formats:
Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
tab-delimited text (.txt)
comma-delimited text (.csv)
TermBase eXchange (.tbx)
Trados Glossary XML files (.xml)
SDL Studio Term Base (.sdltb) (Verifika 64-bit requires
Access Database Engine installed)
Excel Open XML Macro-Enabled Spreadsheet (.xlsm)
We are constantly working on adding more supported file formats.